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Normalisation des pompes

La présente Norme internationale couvre les spécifications de la classe III des pompes centrifuges à un ou à plusieurs étages, de construction verticale ou horizontale (à accouplement normal ou serré), associées à n'importe quel type d'entraînement, dans n'importe quelle installation pour utilisation générale.

This International Standard is the third of a set dealing with technical specifications of centrifugal pumps; they are designated as Classes I, II and III. Class I (see IS0 9905) comprises the most severe and Class III (this International Standard) the least severe requirements. For requirements for Class II centrifugal pumps, see IS0 5199. The selection of the class to be used is made in accordance with the
technical requirements for the application for which the pump is intended. The class chosen is to be agreed between purchaser and manufacturer/supplier.

The safety requirements of the field of application are furthermore to be taken into account.
However, it is not possible to standardize the class of technical requirements for centrifugal pumps for a certain field of application, because each field of application comprises different requirements. All classes (I, II and Ill) can be used in accordance with the different requirements of the pump application. It may happen that pumps built in accordance with Classes I, II and III may work beside each other in one plant. Further text covering specific applications or industry requirements.

Further text covering specific applications or industry requirements are dealt with later in separate standards. Criteria for the selection of a pump of the required class for a certain application may be based on:
- reliability,
- operating conditions,
- environmental conditions.
Throughout this International Standard, text written in bold letters indicates where a decision may be required by the purchaser, or where agreement is required between the purchaser and manufacturer/supplier.

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